places one video ad before the station starts playing, as well as banners on the website and in the app.
This advertising is not played by us directly but from advertising networks. So feel free to notify us if the sound is too loud or if there is anything else to complain about. Good quality is important to us.
In order for us to identify and check the advertising, please state in your report the following points:
- whether it is video or banner
- in the app or on the website
- as well as the link to the advertised page. This link can be accessed by tapping on the ad or in the browser by right-clicking with the mouse.
Please note:
Pure audio advertising is always played directly into the stream by the broadcaster's marketer. It can be recognized by the fact that neither banners nor videos are displayed. We have no influence on this type of advertising. So please contact the broadcast directly if you have any questions.
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